Riverboading Montana was spectacular in June and July. Thanks for coming over to run the river with us. It has been a great season so far with great people and plenty of water for exciting trips. Bill and Emily Blaylock boarded the Gorge multiple times one weekend in June at over twenty thousand cfs. Emily does not get tired! The crews from American Rambler has been over several times to rock the Gorge.
Now August has arrived and so have the flows that are ideal for surfing here on the Gorge. Cody and Mike just got back from a moonlight surf at Triple Bridges while guide Yael Girard did a solo trip from Cyr Down to Sandy beaches for an evening workout. Bernice and Mike took 2 year old Rey for a scenic riverboard trip between Rest Stop and Cyr.
As the flows drop we're going to be surfing at all of the Gorge's great waves, Icebox is just shaping up --so come on out an surf the Gorge with us!